Top PHP Interview Questions (2023) - ProfshineTech

Here, I’m not going to tell you the exact questions that an interviewer may ask you because you can easily find those questions all over the internet. So instead of telling you the list of questions, I will try to explain the mindset of an interviewer and the process of choosing the final candidate over others.


Actually, the hiring process can be different for different companies, It depends on the company size. If you are going for an interview in a big company then most of the time, you will face theoretical questions, all related to PHP and Mysql. For example:

  1. How to install a PHP application?

  2. What is the use of PHP in a web application?

  3. What’s the use of pearl in PHP?

  4. PHP history or recent version of PHP?

  5. How can we execute PHP and Mysql scripts through the command line?

  6. Difference b/w SESSION and COOKIES?

  7. Some questions are based on datatypes

  8. OOPS based questions

  9. Popular PHP array and string functions etc.


The reason behind this is that big companies always hire a person for a specific role and they have a predefined method of hiring whether they’re hiring a fresher or an experienced person and this process hardly changes in a short interval of time (Not every company needs to fall in this category). so most of the time, they focus on your basics, especially when you’re a fresher.


But in a small company or startup, this process can be completely different, In startup companies, they are usually looking for a multi-tasking person who can work in a 360-degree scenario. so here you may face a little bit more challenging and practical questions, based on your technical skills rather than theoretical.


They will try their best to test your technical approach to a program, and sometimes, they can also dive into some out-of-context questions, eg: some Javascript, AJAX, PHP-based framework questions to test your 360-degree knowledge.


And when it comes to career-based questions then whether it’s a big company or a startup, they will always try to penetrate your interest in your selected career field to find out, if you’re really passionate about your work/career or just choosing it to land a quick job in your bucket.


Remember, When they ask about your future career plans then make sure you look confident and passionate while replying to those questions, No matter how good or bad your technical skills are. Because as a fresher, they want you to be passionate about your career, Not a born expert in it.


I’ve taken a lot of interviews in the last 2 years, and whenever I ask a career-related question, most of the time the candidate is out of words and sometimes they try to reply but there is always some kind of confusion going on in their minds about their career choices, especially in case of Interns and freshers.


Sometimes, It’s due to the lack of knowledge about the career they choose, or sometimes, it’s due to a lack of interest. but both are very clear indicators for an interviewer to choose another candidate over you.


Because in the end, No matter how talented or knowledgeable you are. But if you’re not passionate about your work then later or soon, You’re going to end up. which is not good for you as well as the company. hence be very clear about your career choices while replying to a similar question.


And remember that, As a fresher, no company will ever want to hire you for a short interval of time, so always keep that particular company in your future plans while honestly narrating the answer.


Here are a few links where you can find a complete list of PHP interview questions:

Top 100 PHP Interview Questions and Answers

Essential PHP Interview Questions

PHP Basic Interview Questions for freshers with answers


Hope this will help!


Good luck with your future endeavors!
